Last month, my husband's sister, Ivelisse, and her husband Tito renewed their marriage vows in Melbourne, Florida. They currently have been married about 8 years and have two beautiful children. This August, Tito will be shipped out with the Navy to Iraq. It was such a pleasure to be able to provide their family with photos that will last as memories while he is gone, and reminders to pray for a blessed journey and safe return. May God make Himself incredibly known to you, Tito, while you are gone and be your shelter in times of danger.
These are a few of my favorites.....

The close up picture under the tree is my favorite. Very sweet.
(At a quick glance it looks like you kissing some guy! I did a double take. haha)
- Jen K.
This is a beautiful story. 8 years is a long time.... I know his time Iraq will seen longer. Maybe the war will be over before he has to leave. God Bless
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