After a little over two years, I have finally gone throught my photos from Africa. The process over the past week or so was an amazing one. So many emotions and desires resurfaced. My heart lept with every memory, good and bad. My journey in Africa was one that I took for granted, but now looking back, I realize how much I experienced and now am left praying that God would make a way for me to go again. I hope that you enjoy these long-awaited photos. These are just a lack of knowledge when it comes to blogging and slideshows is preventing me from having them all available right now...but soon!! I promise!!
breathtaking, what amazingly beautiful faces! so glad to finally see some of them! hope your well!
xo ~noelle
I love the one with the little boy with the big smile on his face. So precious.
- Jen K.
They look great!
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